1. Scan and attach Identity Card  with All Required Documents. If not attached,EWR immediately rejects your Record Proposal.
2. One person can only send one record proposal at a time.
if anyone sends us more than one record then we will reject or Block the Email.
3. Record Proposal must have exact size,area,time or date.
4. We need answer of your record proposal
Ex. How many? How big? How Long? When? etc.
5. Record related images is compulsory else it will be rejected.
6. Send Required EWR Documents , if you send any other documents we immediately reject it.
Log on : http://www.officialeverestworldrecords.com/Required%20Documents.html

* Every financial affair and transaction with founder/ research director Mr. Mathura Shrestha is only valid and thus, it is requested that financial matters be done only with him. EWR will not at any cost, be responsible for any kinds of fraudulent activities in its name.

* Everest World Records has approved record from EWR Headquarter (Kathmandu,Nepal). If anyone falsifies to approve record or try to provide record within some amount then they are just cheating you. We'd like to inform that we have not facilitated rights to any individual or organizations till now. It is solely up to you to be aware and safe from those falsies.
For Person :-
Name + Date of birth + permanent Address + work + purpose + Record attempted date.

For organization :-
Organization name + registered no + permanent address + work + purpose + Record attempted date.

Everest World Records
G.P.O : 19239
Official email :
Copyright © 2019 Everest World Records. All rights reserved
Interested person or organization please send following details.
Financial affair and transaction
EWR Rules :

*Computer Hardware and software development system
* Any Mathematics formula
* Any PHD Topic
* Record which gives negative sense .
We do not approve:
Running Everest World Records
Everest World Records is running under supervision and leadership of Mr. Mathura Shrestha, a musical world record holder and renowned musician.

Necessity of Everest World Records
Everest World Records is the first project of its kind in Nepal. Named after the world's Tallest pick Mt. Everest , EWR is necessary for extraordinary people of all ages, races and groups.
Size of the certificates
The size of the Everest World Records certificate size : Width 10 inches,Height 14 inches( Updated : 14th August,2016)
Required Documents

Full Name : 
Date of Birth :
Postal Address :
Email/Website :
Mobile/Phone No :    
*Witness : Register Lawyer( any one) or Expert Related Field ( any one)
*Video files,Images,and News Paper cuttings. 
Record Purpose ( within seven words) :
Record Title:
Record Category :
Record Attemped Place :
Record Attemped Date :
Record Image :
Record Info :
Email us : everestworldrecords@gmail.com